
Fast auto clicker using keyboard maestro
Fast auto clicker using keyboard maestro

fast auto clicker using keyboard maestro

Keyboard Maestro 5 has been released in July 2011, with lots and lots (and lots) of new features. Enjoy! And if you find this page really useful and wonder how you might show your appreciation, well clicking the PayPal button at the bottom and making a small donation would do it quite nicely. So I decided to share some of my experience with KM and compiled this list of tips and tricks. I'm so used to using KM that it has become almost completely intuitive to me, but reading and answering questions on KM's mailing list, I realized that some things which are obvious to me aren't so to everybody. I won't list its features here, because there's too many of them (and you can find that list on its website) but I'm pretty sure that if you're reading this, you know about it already. Keyboard Maestro (4.3.1 at the time of original writing) is a fantastic macro program that I've been happily using (and beta testing) for years and for tons of different things.

Fast auto clicker using keyboard maestro